Motorsports in Nepal : Introduction, Challenges, and Opportunities

By Govinda Bhattarai &  Kamala Chettri

The perception of automobiles and vehicles has evolved significantly over time. Initially seen as merely modes of transportation for carrying people and luggage, their definition has expanded into multiple dimensions to meet diverse needs.

Globally the automobile industry began its journey over a century ago. the automobile industry initiated its journey a long century ago. In Nepal, the institutionalized automobile sector started during the era of Bir Shamsher, approximately 140 years ago. Today the automobile industry serves as a unifying platform not only in Nepal but worldwide.

Presently, Nepal has around 5.4 million vehicles and road networking spanning 100000 kilometers. The automobile sector is crucial for the country’s infrastructure, facilitating road users and enhancing economic standards.

Currently, the vehicles have been used in the following working areas in Nepal.

  • Carrying passengers.
  • Transporting the goods.
  • Alternatives for ambulance and hospital services.
  • Tourism promotion.
  • Boosting business.
  • Acting as a symbol for awards and prizes
  • Representing prestige, dignity, and pride.
  • Empowering Women
  • Serving as mediums for Adventurous sports, such as motorsports

Among these areas, my focus is primarily on introducing motorsports as a synonym for adventurous sports.


The craze and attraction of Nepali youths towards adventurous sports, especially motorsports have been steadily rising for a few years. Some engage in this field out of passion and thrilling experience while others seek entertainment. There are individualized reasons behind the popularity of this sport, not only in Nepal but across the globe. Both organizers and players must be aware of the rules and safety measures of the sport, as safety is the prime concern in any game worldwide. Both drivers and marshals need to develop their competitive capabilities to introduce Nepal Motorsports to the global arena.

What is Motorsports?

The field of Motorsports has been recognized as a well-developed, modernized, advanced, and technology-friendly sport worldwide and has produced a large number of trainers, drivers, and riders. In Nepal, the establishment of the institutionalized Automobiles Association started one and a half decades ago. We can say, it is a preliminary phase of motorsports in Nepal.

In Nepal, the following events are conducted.


  • Karts
  • Autocross
  • Auto Gymkhana
  • TSD Rally
  • Touring
  • Drifting
  • Rallycross
  • Cross Country Rally

Two- wheeler

  • Road Racing
  • Flat Racing
  • Enduro
  • Motocross
  • Cross country
  • TDS Rally
  • Touring

Challenges of MotorSports in Nepal:

  • Conducting motorsports in a developing country like Nepal is quite expensive.
  • It is a game with higher risks.
  • Motorsports require the involvement of a highly technical team and other specialized resources.
  • It needs a considerable amount of time to develop skilled players and manpower.
  • It demands a range of tracks and facilities as well as an established workforce.
  • Motorsports can contribute to noise and air pollution, raising environmental concerns that need to be addressed.
  • Nepal currently lacks a well-developed automobile and engineering industry.
  • There is a lack of understanding among the corporate sectors about the values of motorsports.
  • Motorsports in Nepal do not receive financial assistance from the government.
  • Motorsports in Nepal rely on the International Federation for development.

Motorsports involve competitions that rely on engines, motors, or other mechanical means for operation. In practical terms, motorsports encompass events such as motor, motorcycle racing, karting, powerboating, and various forms of vehicle racing.

Motorsports have a long and distinguished history as a professional and globally popular sport. Recently, their appeal and popularity have been increasing in media coverage, have significantly contributed to this trend.

Opportunities created by motorsports:

  • Motorsports could position Nepal as a hub for adventurous people attracting visitors around the world.
  • Providing a platform for adventurous youths can contribute to the development of youth engagement.
  • Motorsports offer access to the worldwide automobile sectors.
  • A well-developed motorsports industry could create opportunities for the automobile and tourism sectors stimulating economic growth.
  • Motorsports events can benefit media, event organizers, and influencers enhancing exposure and creating new business opportunities.
  • it could be a product to a new industry, entrepreneur, and new tourism.
  • Motorsports can promote the message of safe driving, rides, and touring practices raising public safety awareness.

MotorSports in Nepal:

In December 2011, Nepal Automobiles Association (NASA Nepal) established in 2008, became a member of the Federation International De Automobile (FIA) for sports. The FIA is the global governing body for motorsports, automobile mobility, and tourism, as well as road safety. Similarly, NASA Nepal also became a member of the Federation International De Motocyclism (FIM) in the same year. The Association also got its affiliation with Power Boating Sports (UIM) in the year 2023.

Since 2013, NASA Nepal has benefitted from financial and technical support from FIA for sports development, mobility, and other initiatives. Among those the Cluster Training Program, Girls on the Track, Himalayan Motorland stands out as a memorable endeavor.

With the support of FIA and FIM, NASA Nepal regularly organizes sports activities to enhance players’ capabilities and develop their technical aspects. This collaboration has provided an opportunity for NASA Nepal to become an active part of the popular and prestigious worldwide Federations.

with the growing popularity of motorsports worldwide, Nepali youths are also attracted to motorsports-related activities and gaining knowledge to enhance the theoretical and technical aspects of motorsports.

In motorsports, marshal (technical person), driver (player), and official roles are inevitable and significant.

Yes, This article is about the recent training conducted for marshals, drivers, and karting slalom officials that assist in learning the roles and importance of marshals, and drivers in Motorsports.

what is marshaling in motorsports?

The process of conducting events where players, vehicles, and motorcycles are involved in organized, disciplined, safer, and well-managed motorsports activities is said to be marshaling. Marshaling is used mostly during motors, motorcycling, and karts events. Similarly marshal is a responsible person who assists in the success of the events by abiding by the different rules and regulations, criteria, and safety standards.

 Marshal Training:

It is useful in making motorsports safer more massive, and more civilized, to manage sporting events, to train marshals for a variety of events, and upgrade marshals’ positions, and to introduce novice marshals in the field. It is also needful in following international trends and techniques, informing policy-level sports officials, promoting harmony between marshals, drivers, and officials, and organizing Rallycross and Autocross.

Recently four officials from NASA Nepal participated in the high-level Marshal Training motorcycling sports held in Bangalore. The training turned out to be fruitful for motorcycling sports. With the cooperation of FIM Asia, NASA Nepal has planned to organize the National level training on the same. Additionally, the two-wheel touring marshal and manual were published last year.

what is driving in motorsports?

In the realm of motorsports, the term driver is frequently associated with marshals as they are linked with one another.  Marshals are accountable for the technical aspects,  while drivers participate as the players in the events. It is a pleasure to know all the players of motorsports including those in motorcycling, and karts around the globe boast of being recognized as drivers.

The main individual operating the various types of vehicles is commonly referred to as a driver. Similarly, the participant in motorsports is also termed a driver.

 Driver training:

Driver training is useful in upgrading oneself by adapting the new rules and technology, providing opportunities to novice drivers, updating drivers on new technology and rules, and supporting the skill enhancement capability of drivers. Similarly, it is needed to draw attention to road safety guidelines, promote harmony between the driver, marshal, and official, teach international trends and techniques, and make motorsports safer, more massive, and more civilized.

Marshal Training on Rallycross and Autocross:

on the 18th and 19th Falgun, NASA Nepal organized a two-day autocross and rallycross marshal training session with national and international trainers for 74 technicians.

At the opening ceremony, Mr. Vijitha Vijemanne,  Asia Pacific Sports Co-ordinator for International Automobile Federation along with Mr. Anjan Dhamala, a Board Member of  National Sports Council, Mr. Bishwamitra Sanjel, Secretary of  Karnali Province Sports Council,  Mr. Dasarath Risal, President of Nepal Automobiles Association and advisor Thakur Prasad Neupane extended their best wishes for the program success.

Mr. Govinda Bhattarai,  Executive Director of Nepal Automobiles discussed the policies, plans, and programs of  NASA Nepal and the International Automobiles Federation. Meanwhile,  trainer Mr. Vijitha Vijamane conducted training on the technical aspects of rallycross and autocross as well as event management, and communication. Additionally, Mr. Buland Thapa, the Senior Vice President of NASA Nepal emphasized the importance of medical safety and response during the event, and  Mr. Anil Kumar Baral, Vice President informed about the different flags, ethical behaviors, and signals of marshals. Finally, Mr. Yaduraj Lamichanne, Head of Marshal and Training Commission presented the role and responsibilities of Marshals during the events.

The program coordinated by Mr. Santosh Nyaupane, the secretary of the association, saw active participation from motorsports officials, engineers, technicians, and drivers around the country.  It is believed to be the perfect platform for preparing international-level marshals for upcoming motorsport events in Nepal.

The theoretical session thus followed by the practical session on the temporary racing track at Malpokhari under the supervision of training instructors and officials.  NASA Nepal’s different Provincial officials graced the program with their presence during the program.

Mr. Vijitha Vijemane, FIA  Asia Pacific Sports coordinator, and Mr. Tankalal Ghising, member secretary of the National Sports Council, discussed the motorsports development from both of their respective perspectives.

Driver’s Training:

on the same days, on the 18th and 19th of Falgun, the driver training on rallycross and autocross for 36 drivers was conducted by national and international trainers. Mr. Vijamane, Asia Pacific Sports coordinator, along with other instructors provided information about the role and responsibilities of drivers,  as well as driving styles. The training encompassed both theoretical sessions and practical exercises.

Mr. Vijemane gave an introduction to rallycross and autocross, stressed the international rules and regulations as well, and gave information about the different flags, signals, and the correct application of them in Nepal to the participants. Meanwhile, Mr. Aashish Bharati, a national driver shared his experience of participating in international driving competitions and offered useful skills, techniques, and suggestions for better driving performance. Additionally, Mr. Anil Baral, Vice President of the same organization presented the importance of ethical behaviors and disciplines of drivers during the events. Similarly, Mr. Santosh Nyaupane, secretary of the Association and coordinator of the program delivered information about driving safety gear and types of equipment to the participants.

on the same occasion, an academic journal about motorsports written by Anil Kumar Baral was launched by Mr. Suryalal Bhandari, member secretary of Bagmati Province Sports Development Council, and Mr.Krishna Timalsina, head of Sports Science Academy, Nepal.

The trainees practiced practical exercises on the racing track in Malpokhari under the supervision of the instructors and the officials. Additionally, the senior players demonstrated the race showcasing the driving styles that need to be implemented during racing.

Karting Training for the Trainers:

Similarly, on the 20th of Falgun2080, there was a karting training session for the trainers titled ” Train the Trainer on Karting” at the Himalayan Motorland Dhulikhel.

The training was provided to  20 marshals who have extensive experience in the Karting sports. Mr. Vijitha, the chief instructor facilitated both the theoretical and practical exercises for the trainers.

During the event, Mr. Vijitha instructed about karting management, track design, and marshal management, and conducted the demonstration of flags. He emphasized the necessity of marshals associations, and clubs to meet the challenges of this sport, considering the popularity of this sport among youths.

In the event, all the participants prepared the track themselves. Karting, a popular motorsport among other racing disciplines, is accessible to people of all ages even small children. The association has announced the plans to train at least 300 college students to develop skilled players this year.

Train the Trainer:

It is primarily to establish a kart trainer, design the kart track, manage the event of Karting Slalom, and learn communication skills. Train the trainer is also useful in mobilizing marshals taking responsibility and acquiring knowledge regarding safety and emergency response.

Mr. Govinda Bhattarai announced that kart training classes will soon be provided to colleges at the International Sports Complex. Mr. Santosh Nyaupane is dedicated to facilitating these training classes for more college students. The intent behind this initiative is to develop skilled manpower for national and international motorsport events.

The association has been focused on developing skilled technical manpower on four-wheelers since 2023. particularly in Rallycross and Autocross.

The international-level senior marshal training was conducted in 2013 with the support of FIA and CAMS. Since then, this remains the only international-level training of its kind.

Various professionals ranging from teachers and players, doctors and journalists, as well as engineers and entrepreneurs actively participated in the the event. Similarly, marshals, officials from the sports sector, engineers, travelers, and former drivers took part in the training.

The two-day event was conducted in a peaceful and civilized manner, much more successfully than the previous events.  This positive experience inspired the association to organize the kart training for trainers on the third day at Dhulikhel Himalayan Motorland.

Marshal and Driver Hand Signals for Motorsports

# This article is prepared based on: The Federation International De Automobile, Motorsports Australia and  Nepal Automobiles Association

  • Govinda Bhattarai :- FIA world council member of automobile mobility and Tourism & Executive Director of Nepal automobiles Association
  • Kamala Chettri :- Joint Treasurwr of Nepal automobiles Association and Tourism Working Group member of FIA region – II
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